Sunday, April 12, 2009


Sorry i haven't blogged ;-( Nobody has commented very muck so i will try as i can. Thanx Bi.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How r all of you? Sorry I have not bloged in a while. I read like crazy! Do you have any suggestions?
Thanx! william

Friday, December 26, 2008

Are you into X-mas for...

How was your Christmas Eve / Day? I had a WONDERFUL time! I got lots of gifts. You know... we should be thankful for family and joy and life. Lots of our population (and still growing by the hours that fly by), our fellow humans, are becoming destitute and needy. In the news all we hear is Foreclose and homeless and stranded and the shelters and poor houses... they are just too full! I think I and maybe some of you other wonderful humans out there (if you are an animal... uhh I dunno how but i think you better leave) could help out and love one another and live and thrive by giving and loving one and tell them they can do it they can make it, just hold on, it will get better, one day you WILL have a home, you WILL have life, you WILL be thankful, and remember... no matter your race, color, or religion you will make it no matter what anybody tells you just because you are different.

I hope I've inspired you enough now down to my Blog...

What is Christmas to you? is it receiving, is it giving, is it loving one another or just giving joy or even a wonderful gift to a loved one or one who is destitute and lonely. Remember my words of wisdom and one day you will give love to maybe even the whole world one day. The magic of joy and peace lies within you, don't hide it. Give joy.

All these word were from my own mind and my own love and joy which i now bestow upon... to you. =)

Thursday, December 25, 2008



I LOVE to rock! I only listen to Rock or Metal. My Faves are Twisted Sister, Areosmith, Motley Crue, Iron Maiden, and LOTS LOTS more.

So what's you favorite genre of music? And who is your favorite artist or band and one of their songs you like.

Ex: Metal: Twisted Sister: We're Not Gonna Take It


Ex: Heavy Metal: Poison: (Flesh and Blood) Sacrifice

Wednesday, December 24, 2008



Animals come in different sizes, shapes, and colors. My favorite animals are Whales, Penguins, Dog (of course!), and Pandas.

So what's you favorite animal / insect.?

Oh, i held a Madagascan hissing cockroach for like a min. i was scary and it bit me but it doesn't hurt is pretty cool!

Do you open presents on Christmas...

How is / was your holiday? You know with different religions all around us there are SO many ways people celebrate Christmas some don't even celebrate X-mas at all. I don't have a religion so we just bring all our presents over to our cousins and we open them there. Some people celebrate Hanukkah or Kwanzaa too. Hanukkah is like the 8 days of X-mas! i wish i celebrated that holiday! Kwanzaa is something else. Each Candle means a different thing and they are different colors. I am not sure what colors I know there is black, blue, white, and i think there is green.

So back to my Question...
Do you open presents on,

Christmas Eve
Christmas Day

Do you have an annoying sibling?

Do you have any annoying siblings or relatives? Aunt whats-her-name pinches you cheaks and your sister and brother are constantly being an incessant loud irritating voices just pierce you ears until blood comes out. (figure of speach- i hope that THAT hasn't happended!

So do you have any annoying relatives or siblings?